Sunday, April 4, 2010

Glee movie

Lately I'm often watch a movie serial "Glee". Glee is american musical comedy drama. Not a typical American teen drama. The story is really good, it's about a choir club. Students in glee club reputed as a nerd. And they have to survive from 'sue' the evil teacher. And show peoples that they have an amazing performance. Dont be surprised if Glee got many awards, like golden globe, AFI award, etc. I cant wait to watch Glee season 2. They said this April release in the U.S..
For those of you who want to download for free, check it in I also downloaded season 1 over there, hehe .. for you who havent watched this movie, I recommend to watch. Because you will not regret it..

Happy watching... XD


  1. salam kenal, I watched glee too... loving it, yg siri ulangan pun sy tengok berulang2..hehe.

  2. salam kenal juga ya... :)
    saya ga pernah bosan nonton GLEE.. ^__^

  3. woooow,,,
    gak sabar nunggu glee season 2 euy....
